Arunachal Pradesh Session Court vacancy of LDC, UDC, Stenographer and Other various vacancies for 20 posts : Last Date 25/06/2019

Arunachal Pradesh Session Court vacancy of LDC, UDC, Stenographer and Other various vacancies for 20 posts : Last Date 25/06/2019

Arunachal Pradesh District and Session Court has invites application for recruitment to the post of Lower Division Clerk, Upper Division Clerk, Stenographer, Office Peon, Driver and other various vacancies for 20 posts.

Name of Post: LDC-cum-computer operator
No. of Post: 02 Posts
Educational qualification: The candidate must have passed the class XII standard from a recognized Board. Must have knowledge and experience in type writing and must have typing speed of 100  words per minute. Must have such knowledge or qualification in computer operation as may be specified by  the High Court.

Name of Post: Upper Division Clerk (UDC)
No. of Post: 02 posts
Educational qualification: The candidate should be a graduate or equivalent thereto from a UGC recognized university. He must have proficiency in operation of computers (word processing and MS Excel spread sheet). 

Name of Post: Stenograhper
No. of Post: 02 posts
Educational qualification: The candidate must be holder of Bachelor’s degree or equivalent thereto from a recognized college/university. He/She must be holder of Diploma/Certificate from ITI/Polytechnic/or any other Institute in stenography.

Name of Post: Office Peon
No. of Post: 04 posts
Educational qualification: The candidate must have class VIII (eight) passed certificate from a recognized school.

Age Limit: 18 to 28 years

Application Fee: For APST/SC/ST/PWD candidates have to pay Rs.200/- (Rupees Two hundred only) and all other state or other category candidates have to pay Rs.300/- (Rupees Three hundred only).

How to Apply: Candidates are to fill up in the common “Application Form” available with this advertisement. Detail of application fee to be paid in the Form of IPO payable to " The District & Sessions Judge", West Sessions Division, Yupia, Papum Pare District, A.P.

Candidates shall, thereafter fill the common Application Form and paste his/her recent passport sized colored photograph in the given space of the application form and shall sign across the photograph. 3(three) copies of the same photograph should be stapled in the top right corner of the application form and candidate should write his/her name on the reverse of the stapled photographs. The envelope containing the application form should be super scribed as “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF ……………………………………” indicating the choice of post of the candidate in the blank space and the same should be addressed to “The District & Sessions Judge, West Sessions Division, Yupia”. 

The envelope containing the Application Form and Indian Postal Order (IPO) of appropriate value should reach "The office of the District and Sessions Court, West Sessions Division, Yupia, Papum Pare District, Arunachal Pradesh on or before 25th of June’2019 (Up to 4 PM) The Selection Committee will not be responsible for late receipt/non receipt of application forms. Scale of Pay shown may vary as per Govt. Notification time to time.

There is no need of submitting photocopy of any document at this stage, except the Passport photos as indicated above. 

The written test of all above advertised post is likely to be conducted on same date and same time. Candidates who are already in Govt. service will have to submit “No Objection Certificate” from proper authority at the time of viva-voce and original if shortlisted for viva-voce. The list of candidates with allotted Roll No's will be published on the Notice board of the centre and official website for reference of Candidates after closure of Advertisement. Candidates are advised to regularly visit Gauhati High Court Website time to time for latest and updates regarding the written examination and other correspondence. 

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