DLW Varanasi Apprentice Recruitment for 374 posts : Last Date 21/11/2019

DLW Varanasi Apprentice Recruitment for 374 posts : Last Date 21/11/2019

Under the Apprentices Act, 1961 (43th Batch lTl and Non lTl), there is a proposal to make a panel through online process for the 374 seats (300 Il + 74 Non lTl holders) for candidates training in the following trades in terms of the Railway Board's letter No. (MPP) 200916114 Dated 06.10.2015. The number of apprentices can be changed based on requirements. The details of seats, educational and technical qualifications are as under :-

Important Timeline:
Last Date for applying online form
Detail of Advertisement
Apply Online
Official Website

Detail of ITI Post:

Name of Trade No. of Post Educational Qualification Age Limit
The Candidate must have passed 10th class examination or its equivalent (under 10+2 examination system) with minimum 50% marks, from recognized Board and also must passed lTl in the relevant trades. Candidate should have passed the prescribed qualification before the date of issue of notification. (21/10/2019)
15 to 24 years
15 to 22 years only.
Painter (Gen.)
15 to 24 years
15 to 24 years
Welder (G & E)
15 to 22 years only.
15 to 24 years

Detail of Non ITI Post:

Name of Trade
No. of Post
Educational Qualification
Age Limit

The Candidate must have passed 10th class examination or its equivalent (under 10+2 examination system) with minimum 50% marks. Candidate should have passed the prescribed qualification before the date of issue of notification. 21/10/2019.)

15 to 22 years
Welder (G & E)
Total 74

Application Fee: 
a)  Application fee is Rs 100/. Candidates have to registered and make online payment till 16:45 hrs of date 21/11/2019.

How to Apply:
i. Only single online application (lTl or Non lTl) has to be submitted through the link www.dlwactapprentice.in. Notification No. 43rd Batch Act. Appt./2019 provided on the official website. www.dlw.indianrailways.gov.in 
ii. Candidates should submit all documents of their certificates, in JPG/JPEG/BMP format image, which should 50 to 100 kb. 
iii. Candidates colourful photograph should be in JPG format image and size of 15 to 50 kb.
iv. ln addition to the online application, self-certified photo copy of required certificate must be uploaded on the link given on the official website of the DLW.in (JPG image) formate. The Candidature will be cancelled if following certificate will not be uploaded in (JPG image formate):-
a) High School (equivalent) marks Sheet and certificates (for Date of birth and educational qualification).
b) Mark sheet of lTl i Certificate, Authorized by NCVT / SCVT. (For lTl qualification)
c) ln case of SC/ST/OBC candidates, a certificate issued on Central Government format by appropriate authority OBC certificate (Non-Creamy Layer)Certificate should be issued on or after 01-04-2019.
d) ln case of Physical Handicap(OH/HH/VH) candidates, a certificate issued by C.M.O/Medical officer duly
constituted by the Central or State Government (appropriate authority)
e) lf EX-Servicemen, attach EX-Servicemen related certificate.
f) The details of application fee must be filled-up in the portal and upload on it.
v. The recent colour passport Size photograph (Back ground White) should be of size 4 Cm X 5 Cm with name
anddateprintedonit, thephotoshouldhaveclearfrontviewofthecandidatewithoutcapandsunglasses.
vi. Candidates are advised to keep at least 08 (Eight) copies of the same photograph for further use as and when
required during the Act. Apprentice Training process.
vii List of selected candidates will be uploaded on the Official website of DLW, which is http://www.dlw.indianrailways.gov.in.

viii. All the necessary original certificates will be verified, so the selected candidates will have to get ready on short notice to present in this office with self-certified photo copies of the document.
ix. The selected candidates will be required to be fit in the medical examination according to the prescribed standards.
x. No daily allowance/ conveyance allowance or travailing allowance will be paid to the selected candidates who will be called for verification of certificates.
xi. lncomplete or incorrectly filled applications will be rejected.
xii. Candidates who make any recommendation will be declared disqualified.
xiii. lf any information is received regarding debarment of the candidate from any railway examination the candidature will be cancelled.

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