Chandigarh Administration vacancy of Clerk & Steno Typist for 404 posts : Last Date 21-10-2019

Chandigarh Administration vacancy of Clerk & Steno Typist for 404 posts : Last Date 21-10-2019

ON-LINE applications are invited on or before 21.10.2019 by 11:59 P.M from eligible candidates for filling up the posts of Clerks & Steno-Typists (English) in the pay scale of Rs.10300-34800 + 3200 Grade Pay in the Chandigarh Administration under the Chandigarh Administration Group 'C' (Clerk and Steno-Typist) (Common Cadre) Recruitment Rules, 2015 on regular basis as per detail given below :

Important Timeline:

Last Date for Submission of Online Application 21st October 2019
Last Date for Payment of Fee 25th October 2019

Detail of Post:

Name of the Post No. of Post Educational qualification
Clerk 356 (UR-162, SC-68, OBC-92, EWS-34) Bachelor Degree from a recognized University/Institution on or before the closing date for submission of application forms and Proficiency in operation of computer (Word processing and Spread Sheets) and a speed of 35 words per minute in English Typewriting on Computer.
Steno Typist 48 (UR-23, SC-10, OBC-12, EWS-3) Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University/Institution on or before the closing date for submission of application forms and Proficiency in Operation of Computer (Word Processing and Spread Sheets) and a speed of 80 words per minute in Stenography (English) and a speed of 20 words per minute in transcripting the same on Computer. No candidate shall be considered to have qualified the test, if he/she commits more than 8% mistakes.

Age Limit:
  • Unreserved/EWS candidates should not be below 18 years and above 37 years of age as on 01.01.2019.  
  • Candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste category should not be below 18 years and above 42 years of age as on 01.01.2019. 
  • Candidates belonging to OBC category should not be below 18 years and above 40 years of age as on 01.01.2019. 
  • Candidates belonging to Persons with Benchmark Disabilities [PwBD] category should not be below 18 years and above 47 years of age as on 01.01.2019. 
  • Candidate belonging to Ex-servicemen category shall be allowed to deduct the period of his service in the Armed Forces of the Union from his actual age and if the resultant age does not exceed the maximum age limit prescribed for direct appointment to such a vacancy in the concerned Service Rules, by more than 3 years, he shall be deemed to satisfy the condition regarding age limit. 
  • Relaxation upto 40 years only for employees of the Chandigarh Administration, however, this relaxation shall not applicable to the employee of Boards/Corporations etc., being common cadre posts of the Departments of Chandigarh Administration. 
  • For the persons working on direct contract basis against sanctioned posts in the various departments of Chandigarh Administration will be given age relaxation equal to the period rounded to nearby month they worked under Chandigarh Administration, provided the such Contractual employees shall attach experience certificate in the given format.
Application Fee:

Category General/OBC/Dependents of Ex-servicemen/Ews SC/PwD/Ex-Servicemen
Fee Rs.1000/- Rs.500/-
How to Apply:
  • Before applying online candidates must have a scanned copy of Signatures and passport size photograph without sunglasses [covering 75% portion of face] having size less than 50 KB each. Extension of Photo must be .jpg 
  • The candidates have to apply only ‘ONLINE’ on web-site from 30.09.2019 (09.00 A.M) upto 21.10.2019 (11:59 P.M) and generate his/her registration number. Once his/her registration number is generated, he/she should get the print of the form. This registration number will be used as identification slip at the time of Written Test and Typing/Stenography Test. Candidates need not send hardcopy of the application/ documents by post or otherwise, because the applications sent by post/in person will not be entertained. 
  • Applicants shall be allotted online Registration Number printed on the acknowledgement slip containing the detail (Registration number and Password). Candidates are advised to note their registration number and password immediately after generating by the system and keep it with them confidentially and should not share with anybody. Department of Personnel, U.T., Chandigarh shall not be liable for any breach done by anyone using the registration number and password shared with anybody by the candidates. 
  • Thereafter, the candidates shall have to report to the designated banker (State Bank of India), 24 hours after the Registration, alongwith the downloaded Fee Challan for depositing the fee. Application Fee Rs. 1,000/- for General Category/OBC/Dependents of Ex-Servicemen/EWS and Rs. 500/- for Reserved Category i.e. SC/PWD/Ex-Servicemen. Last Date for submission of fee is 25.10.2019 by 4.00 p.m. 
  • In case any candidate fails to deposit the fee, his/her application shall stand automatically cancelled/rejected and shall not be processed further. 
  • Candidates can apply for both the posts of Steno Typist and Clerk, if eligible, by submitting separate application for each post alongwith separate processing fee as indicated in the NOTE under heading “APPLICATION FEE”. 
  • If by mistake any candidate fills in wrong data, he/she can correct the data till closing date i.e. 21.10.2019 up to 11.59 P.M. by entering his/her registration number and password. Thereafter, no editing can be done because the data will be locked and no change will be allowable/ acceptable. 
  • The Registration slip will be generated after filling the online form. Get the printout (2 copies) of the Registration Slip-cum-Fee Challan. 
  • For any clarification regarding the online filling of the form, the candidate can call at help-line numbers 0172-2740200, 0172-2740591, on all working days from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm. Candidates may send their queries only through e-mail at the email ID
  • Candidates shall be responsible for any mistake made by them in the online application form, Department of Personnel, U.T., Chandigarh as well as University Institute of Applied Management Sciences (Examination Unit), Chandigarh shall not be responsible or liable in any way. 
  • The venue, date and time of Written Test, Typing Test on Computer & Stenography Test will be available on the web-site Candidates are advised to visit the site on regular basis for updates. No separate/ individual intimation through post etc. will be sent. 
Important Link: 

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