District Judge Nuapada Recruitment for Junior Clerk cum Copyist posts : Last Date 16/09/2019

District Judge Nuapada Recruitment for Junior Clerk cum Copyist posts : Last Date 16/09/2019

Applications are invited from the desirous candidates for recruitment to the following posts under Group-C Cadre, carrying scale of pay as mentioned against each category of posts. N.B.:- The applicability of Odisha Group-'C' & Group-'D' posts (contractual appointment) Rules, 2013 for the sub-ordinate judiciary of the State is now sub-judice before the Hon'ble Court in Judicial side vide W.P. (C) No.1273/2014. Therefore, the appointment to the posts of Junior Clerk-cum-Copyist / Junior Typist / Stenographer Grade-III shall be made on regular basis in accordance with the provisions contained in the “the Orissa District & Sub-ordinate Courts Non-Judicial Staff Services (Method of Recruitment and Conditions of Services) Rules, 2008 & Amended Rules 2010” subject to the result of W.P. (C) No. 1273/2014.

Name of Post: Junior Clerk -cum-Copyist
No. of Post: 13 posts
Educational qualification: must have passed at least +2 examination conducted by the Council constituted under Section 3 of the Orissa Higher Secondary Education Act, 1982 or equivalent examination from a recognized Council / Board / University, as the case may be. must have passed at least Diploma in Computer Application from a recognized Institute.

Name of Post: Junior Typist
No. of Post: 05 posts
Educational qualification: must have passed at least +2 examination conducted by the Council constituted under Section 3 of the Orissa Higher Secondary Education Act, 1982 or equivalent examination from a recognized Council / Board / University, as the case may be. must have passed at least Diploma in Computer Application from a recognized Institute.

Name of Post: Stenographer Grade-III
No. of Post: 05 posts
Educational qualification: must have passed at least +2 examination conducted by the Council constituted under Section 3 of the Orissa Higher Secondary Education Act, 1982 or equivalent examination from a recognized Council / Board / University, as the case may be. must have passed at least Diploma in Computer Application from a recognized Institute.

Age Limit: 18 to 32 years

Examination Fee: Candidates are required to deposit examination fees of Rs. 100/- (Rupees one hundred) only by Treasury challan under the “Head-0070-Other Administrative Services-01- Administration of Justice-501-Services and Services Fees-9904650-Law Department-9916730 Examination Fees for Recruitment conducted by Orissa District & Sub-ordinate Courts”. The candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribe shall not be required to pay the fees for the recruitment examination.

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