Graduate Engineer and Technician Recruitment for 66 posts in BCPL : Last Date 30/04/2019

Graduate Engineer and Technician Recruitment for 66 posts in BCPL : Last Date 30/04/2019

Brahmaputra Cracker and Polymer Limited BCPL has invites the online application for recruitment to the post of Graduate Engineer and Technician for 66 posts. Interested and eligible candidates may apply online on or before 30th April 2019.

Name of Post: Graduate Engineer
No. of Post: 51 posts
Educational qualification: A Degree in Engineering or Technology granted by a Statutory University in relevant discipline. A Degree in Engineering or Technology granted by an Institution empowered to grant such degree by an Act of Parliament in relevant discipline. Graduate examination of professional bodies recognised by the State Government or Central Government as equivalent to above.

Name of Post: Technician 
No. of Post: 15 posts
Educational qualification: A Diploma in Engineering or Technology granted by a State Council or Board of Technical Education established by a State Government in relevant discipline. A Diploma in Engineering or Technology granted by a University in relevant discipline. A Diploma in Engineering or Technology granted by an Institution recognised by the State Government or Central Government as equivalent to above.

Age Limit: Not less than eighteen years and upper age limit is 30 years as on 30.04.2019. The upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST candidate, 3 years for OBC candidates and 10 years for Persons with Disability.

Selection: Selection of shortlisted candidates will be made only through written test or personal interview or both written test and Personal Interview as decided by Management. Schedule for written test or personal interview of shortlisted candidates will be published in the BCPL website

How to Apply: Eligible and interested candidates will be required to apply online through BCPL website No other means / mode of application shall be accepted. Before applying the candidates should ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility norms. The registration will be provisional as the eligibility will be verified only at the time of joining. Mere issue of Admit Card / Interview Call Letter will not imply acceptance of candidature. Candidature of a registered candidate is liable to be rejected at any stage of engagement process or even on joining, if any information provided by the candidate is found to be false or not in conformity with the eligibility criteria at any stage or if candidate fails to produce valid documentary proof in support of his/her eligibility

Before registration the candidate must ensure the following:
  • Valid e-mail ID, which should remain valid for at least one year. No change in the e-mail ID will be allowed once entered. 
  • Candidates should ensure that they possess requisite qualification at the time of applying.
  • Candidates should have latest passport size photograph as well as photograph of signature in digital form (.jpg or .jpeg only of less than 100 kb size) for uploading with the application form. 
  • While filling online application the candidates must carefully follow all the steps. Incomplete application / application without fee (not applicable for SC / ST / PH candidates) / application not fulfilling any eligibility criteria will be rejected summarily. No communication will be entertained from applicants in this regard.
  • After applying online, the candidate is required to download the registration slip and other essential details.
  • The application being online, if during verification of documents at the time of interview / joining, it is found that the candidate does not possess the requisite eligibility criteria, he / she will not be allowed to appear for the interview or shall be engaged in the apprentices post. 

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