Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council
Office of the Project Officer, Wage Employment (ACD) Kargil
Advertisement Notice
Advertisement No: 02 ACD-K of 2016. Dated: 20/08/2016
Application of prescribed proforma is invited from the eligible candidate of District Kargil for engagement against the post of Technical Assistant under
MG-NREGA on contractual basis in various blocks. The application form complete in all respect and accompanied by the testimonials/documents shall be
deposited in the office of the Project Officer, Wages Employment (ACD) Kargil upto 10/09/2016 on all working days during office hours. The attested copies
to be attached with the application form are:
1. Permanent Resident Certificate.
2. Qualification Certificate.
3. Marks certificate of each examination passed.
4. Diploma/Degree certificate in Civil Engineering.
5. Character certificate.
- Name of Post: Technical Assistant
- No. of Posts: 15 Posts
- Pay Scale: Rs.8500/- for Degree holder, Rs.8000/- for Diploma holder & Rs.7000/- for ITI holder.
Educational Qualification:
Degree/ Diploma in civil engineering / Agricultural engineering/Draftsman cources/ ITI civil engineering.
Age Limit: 18 to 37 years as on 01.01.2016
Job Location: Kargil (Jammu & Kashmir)
How to Apply:
Interested Candidates may apply along with attested copies of relevant documents send to District Office of the Project Officer, Wage Employment (ACD)
Kargil on or before 10.09.2016.
- Last date for submission of Application: 10.09.2016
Important Links:
- Detail Advertisement Link:
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