Jammu-Kashmir recruitment for Technical Assistant

Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council

Office of the Project Officer, Wage Employment (ACD) Kargil

Advertisement Notice

Subject: Contractual Appointment of Technical Assistant Under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MG-NREGA).

Advertisement No: 02 ACD-K of 2016.                                                    Dated: 20/08/2016

Application of prescribed proforma is invited from the eligible candidate of District Kargil for engagement against the post of Technical Assistant under MG-NREGA on contractual basis in various blocks. The application form complete in all respect and accompanied by the testimonials/documents shall be deposited in the office of the Project Officer, Wages Employment (ACD) Kargil upto 10/09/2016 on all working days during office hours. The attested copies to be attached with the application form are:

1. Permanent Resident Certificate.
2. Qualification Certificate.
3. Marks certificate of each examination passed.
4. Diploma/Degree certificate in Civil Engineering.
5. Character certificate.
  • Name of Post: Technical Assistant
  • No. of Posts: 15 Posts
  • Pay Scale: Rs.8500/- for Degree holder, Rs.8000/- for Diploma holder & Rs.7000/- for ITI holder.
Educational Qualification: Degree/ Diploma in civil engineering / Agricultural engineering/Draftsman cources/ ITI civil engineering.

Nationality: Indian

Age Limit: 18 to 37 years as on 01.01.2016

Job Location: Kargil (Jammu & Kashmir)

How to Apply: Interested Candidates may apply along with attested copies of relevant documents send to District Office of the Project Officer, Wage Employment (ACD) Kargil on or before 10.09.2016.

Important dates to Remember:

  • Last date for submission of Application: 10.09.2016

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