Empanelment of Scorers/Openers/Checkers reg.

Subject: Empanelment of Scorers/Openers/Checkers reg.

Staff Selection Commission is  desirous of preparing a panel of Scorers/Openers/Checkers (non-official/daily wages/casual basis) for engaging them for Scoring/opening/checking of post-examination materials of various examinations conducted by the Commission. Persons fulfilling the eligibility criteria and willing to be engaged as Scorer/Checker/Opener and residing in Delhi and NCR only may apply. While applying for the same, persons must be within the age group and have educational qualifications as under:-

Age Limit (Minimum)
UR-27 yrs. & above,
OBC-30 yrs. & above,
SC/ST -32 yrs. & above
12TH Standard and
above (Pref. will be
given to Graduates
and Post Graduates)

Applicants fulfilling the above eligibility criteria shall be short-listed and shall be required to fill up a detailed application form provided by the Commission. Their engagement  as  Scorer/Opener/Checker will be purely temporary and on daily wages basis (Remuneration Rs. 450/- per day for Scorers/Openers/Checkers) as and when required, on casual basis, subject to verification of their character and antecedents from the Police/District Authorities.  It may be noted that in case of their inclusion in the panel, they shall have no claim to the status of a Government Employees. Interested persons may send their bio-data having recent photograph along with supporting documents to  Shri Satya Prakash, Under Secretary (C-1/1), Staff Selection Commission, Block No.12, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003 on or before  05-11-2012. The Commission may accept/reject any application without assigning any reason.
(Satya Prakash)
Under Secretary (C-1/1)
Source: ssc.nic.in

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